Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: How I Used Everything in My Young Living Starter Kit in 25 Days

Monday, February 19, 2018

How I Used Everything in My Young Living Starter Kit in 25 Days

I got the best Christmas present from my sweet husband this year. It was a Young Living Premium Starter Kit! *insert happy dancing emoji here!*

For those who don't know, the Young Living "PSK" is an amazing package full of incredible, all-natural goodies. They will change your life, your home, your health, everything.

Seriously, everything. The way you eat, the way you clean, and the make-up that you use!

But even though I knew what was inside, it was still super intimidating to open the box and see 11 bottles of oils staring back at me.

And I've spoken to soooo many of ya'll who also think this kit is the shiz... but have no idea how to use all of it either!

What are you actually supposed to do with all these?
Where the heck do you start???

I started by searching "using your young living oils" on Pinterest. (lol) ...but there weren't very many resources out there that didn't involve buying more accessories or more oils!

So I am here to make this process super easy on you, and make sure you are using all those beautiful products in your life ASAP.

PSK in 25 Days (without buying additional products!)

Lemon Vitality:
- 1-2 drops in a glass of water (don't use plastic water bottles with citrus oils! ;)
- Used to take off a stubborn label (think all-natural Goo-Be-Gone!)
- In my diffuser with Frankincense during yoga + morning prayer

Thieves Vitality:
- Bottom of the feet for immunity support - My mom used to do this to our feet when I was younger! Rub a drop on your soles, or add to some carrier oils (i.e., olive oil or coconut oil)
- Diffused in the car - I used this on a road trip after we had been around some germy places!
(If you don't have a car diffuser, I would super recommend this one from Amazon...on sale for $9.99!!!)
- Added to the Ningxia Red sample

Stress Away: (one of my faves!)
- Diffuse in the car - the best during rush hour/traffic, or when you need some brain-rest on the way home (again, I would get this one from Amazon!)
- Diffused in the house - after a long day or during an exam (#studentlife)
- Rubbed on neck or wrists - again, use a carrier oil, or just use it neat! Calming, but also smells great for perfume!

- 1-2 drops in mousterizer - ok, this is the one I can't stop talking about! I've used the same mousterizer for years, and I love it... but adding just a couple drops of Frank made it even more wonderful! My face feels smoother and happier, and the smell is so calming
- Diffusing during prayer - Frank has traditionally been used as a worship incense, and can be used to encourage prayerful-ness and grounding

Digize Vitality:
- Rubbed on stomach during indigestion - Jon had an upset stomach one night and couldn't sleep... until he put on some digize!
- 1 drop in a small glass of water - helped me with a tummy-ache!
- Added to Ningxia Red sample

Peppermint Vitality:
- 1-2 drops in hot chocolate - added this to my favorite hot chocolate recipe (THM Hot Chocolate Trimmie)
- Diffused/sprayed in the car - did this at night when I needed some extra alertness!
- Drop in water for a tummyache - helps promote healthy digestion! (and tastes yummy;)


- 1-2 drops on my pillow case (smells amazing!) #sweetdreams
- Diffused at night to help my mind calm down
(This is the first oil I ran out of! Can't get enough)

Copaiba Vitality:
- Teething babies - this helped comfort Jonah during teething
- Diffused with stress away for sweet + earthy + calming (Copaiba is already in the Stress Away blend... but I like the extra "woody" smell!)

- Rubbed on shoulders/neck with carrier - my shoulders get so sore throughout the night (hello, old mattress) but this oil really helps the stiffness melt away
- Rubbed on Jon's sore biceps after a work out (I swear it wasn't just an excuse to feel his muscles;)

- Rubbed on chest to encourage open breathing during workout (so refreshing!)
- Diffused to encourage clean breathing (it's like diffusing the smell of Vicks!)

- Diffuse around strange smells! I diffused this in the car after staying in a funky-smelling cabin. If you don't have a car diffuser, you can even put some in a spray bottle with water and spray it in your car! Or diffuse it in your house for some refreshing air (like the bathroom, or near the diaper pail)

*Raven + Citrus Fresh:
Just got news that Raven and Citrus Fresh will soon be replacing R.C. and Purification in PSK's from now on... But you use them for very similar purposes!

NingXia Red Samples:
These samples will have you obsessed for this antioxidant-packed beverage. I tried one plain, and then (just for kicks and giggles) added sparkling water to the second, adding every Vitality oil in my PSK! It was so yummy and energizing!

Alright, ya'll, that's 27 ways to use the 11 oils + samples in your PSK in less than 25 days! Without buying anything extra!!!

This should be enough to help you get started and be way less intimidated when you open up that first kit. :)

What are your fave ways to use your PSK???
Dying to know! Drop me a comment or send me an email!

(Wait, you haven't got your PSK yet??? Sign up here!)

This blog post includes affiliate links, and I may receive a very small profit from purchases made from these links with no extra cost to you. Thanks for supporting me!

linking up with some awesome parties here


  1. I am just now discovering essential oils, but I have a nine months old baby and cannot diffuse oils (need to be really careful)around him. I now diffuse it at work (coworkers love it)

  2. I just got my oils in February and I'm obbsessed!! We use them multiple times a day, everyday. They helped my family steer clear of the flu when it was getting everyone at work. My two year old even loves to get his oil on :)
