Obviously, blogging has been put a bit on the back-burner lately. And with that, I have been slowly dying a little on the inside day-by-day. But I haven't stopped writing, just posting.

Opposed to kicking myself for falling off so terribly and putting pressure on myself to post something long and important and full of excuses for not blogging (like no longer having a camera or photographer),
I'm just going to jump back into it.
It is really easy as a blogger to get discouraged when you lose your groove of post frequency, or feel like you have failed. It's even tempting to feel like no one wants to hear from me any more because consistency is key to building trust with your audience.
And some of that may be true! But blogging is what I love, and you and I will always regret letting insecurity hold us back from something you love. If I blogged only because people wanted to read what I had to say, I would easily burn out and be inauthentic. And instead of sharing my life in a way that is real and encouraging I would be putting my life on display for your approval.
So whether anyone still reads this or not, I'm going to keep blogging. I blog for you, but more than that I do it primarily because I love it and because I feel like I suffocate when I do not write.
{Jacket: American Eagle (several years ago); Shirt: Old Navy; Shorts: Merrell; Shoes: Highland Creek}
{Drink: Starbucks' caramel cappuccino with coconut milk, extra whip, and extra caramel drizz;)}
ALSO, *batt-da-da-DAAA* I am in the process of re-making my little corner of the world wide web! My goal is for this blog to look entirely different in the next month, but I will continue to post until then. BUT STAY TUNED, because it is going to be super duper exciting.
*hint, hint! You can get a preview of that from the change on my Instagram;)*
See you again soon, Lovelies!
See you again soon, Lovelies!