Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: Summer "do's" and Fighting Summer Blues

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer "do's" and Fighting Summer Blues

These past couple of weeks I've been living with mono.
On top of that, I've had three colds, an infection in my leg, lost my voice completely and had many doctor visits.
But really.
I've slept a lot, and spent a lot of time resting. And anyone who knows me, knows that "resting" isn't really my thing. So this has been a challenge! And my summer is looking quite different.
Instead of getting a second job, I'm taking on less hours than before at my current job.
Instead of going to the beach all of the time, I'm frequenting Netflix more than ever.
Instead of dress shopping, I'm internet shopping.

So the greatest challenge from this is making sure I stay optimistic and that I don't waste this. I literally have the best excuse ever to not work out, not do chores, and not stress out about cramming lots of "go, go, go" into my summer. Optimism isn't always easy when I don't see people much, and I don't leave my house much, but it's been pretty great how many little things I have way too much time for now.

Hence, my Summer To-Do List: Mono Edition
- Read lots of books 
(including finishing the Harry Potter series and some Elizabeth Elliot)

- Finish New Girl and How I Met Your Mother
(which I won't have time for in the Fall)

- Edit loadssss of pics that I haven't gotten to yet

- Write letters to old pen pals

- Knit more; Sell more

- Think and pray about goals for my coming school year 

- Find quick recipes I can try when I have energy

- Start knitting more baby blankets
(you never know when someone's gonna need one;)

- Write some new songs when I get my voice back

- Buy, and take care of, some indoor plants

That's pretty much it. Until I'm back to being Normal Casey, I'm just gonna do my best to enjoy moments with just me and Jesus and my bedroom wall. Because life will pick up again and be busy enough, and then I'll be wishing I had more time to do things like this:)

What's ya'lls summer looking like?

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