Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: Post-Choir Bacon

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Post-Choir Bacon

This year my brother, Hayden, and I are stretching our comfort zones by participating in our church's performance of Handel's Messiah. I'm really enjoying singing as a group, and the music is absolutely beautiful; but more than that, I'm REALLY enjoying the excuse to have some one-on-one time with Hay! The moments we get to spend together by ourselves have become few and far between, so it's soo refreshing to be able to talk to him and have him all to myself.

I happened to catch his grandd smile in action last summer;) I think he's a rather good-lookin' 16-year-old, yeah?;)
 While Hay is 19 months younger than I, these past few years, (as he's grown taller than me) I've started to see him as the "older brother I never had," to sound cliché. So Hay, just sayin', you're the best older brother ever, and I'm so blessed to have you. You know me better than pretty much anybody, and if it weren't for you, I don't know what I'd do:)

So. Back to choir.
Hay and I never have time for dinner beforehand, and tonight particularly I was craving bacon. Yup. (Mostly because there was a half-full pack of un-cooked bacon in the fridge that I had been eye-balling.)

So while Hayden crammed some late-night school reading,
I crammed bacon into the skillet. While we cooked, crammed and devoured, we discussed books (and decided that anyone who says they enjoyed reading Moby Dick has only read the kids version) and the possibility that bacon's addicting characteristics are a result of its natural MSG content (even though neither of us really understand MSG).

I also decided that I despise the thought of being average. Even now, when it is tempting to slack off on my school a bit and just waste the rest of my evening because I can afford to be a little less "on top of things" due to the height of my grades, I'm reminded how much I dislike people who have the "just get by" attitude. It really gets on my nerves when people waste the life God gave them by "just getting by." Why not work at it? Why not try? Why not shoot for success? Why not aim for the experience of victory? Those who fear failure, never taste success. And those who are too lazy to work, never reap the reward of having plenty.

All that said, I'm determined to live this life. To its fullest. Not to seek pleasure, not to perfect myself. But when someone gives you a gift, they love it when you use it to its fullest, when you enjoy it. This life is a gift God has given me, and I will enjoy it. I will not mope and moan about what I can't have, can't do, or can't understand; but I will seek to perfect the gifts and talents God has entrusted me with and to draw others closer to the amazing Man, the incredible Creator, whom I am growing to know.

Enough of that for now. Hay, I love you. Thank you for sharing late-night bacon and sweet, meaningless/full conversations with me. I've had some of the best times ever with you and I love watching you become a man who works hard and takes responsibility. You man up, and that's very admirable.
Goodnight all! ~C

1 comment :

  1. Aww, this is so sweet. I love you guyss! And I know what you mean about Moby Dick...why are you reading it, anyway? Haha, and didn't i ever tell you that MSG stands for Massively Scrumptious Goodness? Or Massively Scrumptious Garbage...either one. Or did you tell me that one? Haha, well anyhoo, keep the bacon sizzlin'!
    Love ya,
