Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: July 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Style{in} Skirts: 5 Minutes?

(This isn't a post about my awesome(ly horrible) modeling skills...)
(Or the weird way someone cut our grass...)
(Or even my fabulous shoes) (well, actually, that's a lie... we all know I love these shoes).
It was one of those mornings when I didn't know I was leaving until I was supposed to be leaving. So where do you find Casey when she has 5 minutes? Throwing a scarf over her slightly-dirty hair and grabbing a maxi skirt. Maxi skirts are practically the cuter and more socially-acceptable-outside-of-walmart version of sweatpants. Which is a total win on a Sunday morning when you really don't want to get out of bed in the first place, much less put effort into looking decent. And the loose top is one of my faves because it's so darn comfortable and I don't have to pass up that last gf brownie to fit into it.
This little beauty is something my mom bought me over a year ago after a break up (see, good things DO come out of brokenness!;) It literally holds everything. On a good day, I pack a book, a snack, my planner, my bible, my wallet and my sweater for work (along with three hundred caramels, cuz I can't do without them). On top of that, it just adds great color to everything.
Both the tank and the skirt I actually altered a bit. The tank was a camisole that I cut out, and the skirt had a weird ruffly top that just added fluff under my shirts where I didn't need fluff added. I re-sewed a hem of sorts there so it wouldn't stretch, but that's been the only sewing I've ever done as an alteration and it will probably stay that way.
Top: Forever 21 (and forever ago) Tank: Old Navy? Skirt: Target? Shoes: DSW Purse: Target

In the other realms of life that aren't related to what I've been wearing, I've been doing a lot of planning. Someone pointed out to me yesterday that it's "summer break" for us college students... yet you don't see anyone on break! We're running ourselves weary before we'll take time to rest and be refreshed. And resting out of exhaustion isn't really rest. It's rehab.

Part of this lack of summer break we see is a part of growing up, I think. Folks who work 9-5 don't get "summer break." However, I think taking the remainder of this summer to turn down busyness isn't going to hurt me. By the time September rolls around, I'll be thrown back into note-taking, tons of driving, and brain-stretching. My time management will have to be on an all-time high if I'm going to conquer more classes on top of work and ministry. Not to mention everything else that goes on in life.

Time management skills... will I ever gain them...

Hope ya'll are having a great summer, and are getting a little bit of a break!:)

Love, Casey

(Linking up hereherehere, hereherehereherehereherehere & here! #allofthelinkups)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Lake Champion

Young Life camp.
How do I even begin to explain...
I found myself reflecting a lot on the last few days I was up in New York for Young Life camp, reflecting on how I've gotten here. Sitting on a giant rock on the edge of Lake Champion I thought how funny it was that the Lord used a random friend I made on the first day of college to bring me to leading Young Life a few short months later. I didn't even know this ministry existed a year ago: a ministry that gives me the structure and opportunity to do the type of youth ministry I've always wanted to do.
Our cabin
I'm still trying to untwist the many thoughts and emotions I have involving last week. There are so many... But what stands out the most is excitement. To be surrounded by so many incredible and encouraging leaders for an entire week, and be serving these teenagers that completely won my heart, really did make it one of the best weeks. And I'm so pumped to continue with this ministry after seeing God move so incredibly.
I've also grown so thankful for my team at Deep Creek high school, and so thankful I was stationed at that school. They're more like family than teammates, and have had so much grace for me learning the ropes these past few months. I see Jesus in them, in some of the realest ways I've ever seen.
My teammates (minus Jimmy) Vito, Sara & Zach
117 kids stood up at the end of the week to accept Christ as their Savior. And what's awesome, is that those kids are now surrounded by peers and leaders from their schools and cities that will help them on and mentor them in their new faith. I can't not be overwhelmed with awe at the Lord's goodness and crazy-good planning skills...
The Deep Creek Crew <3

Definitely the highlight of my summer...
What's been the highlight of yours?

Friday, July 11, 2014

Style{in} Skirts: The Biggest Win

Let's be honest...
the biggest win for this outfit is my comfy-clunker heels and the jewelry.
 (Oh, and let's not forget my awesome manicure that was absolutely perfect and took me over an hour)
(and yes, I'm a bit proud of myself for it)

This week for me has been all about Young Life. We have camp this week! And I couldn't be more excited. (Or less prepared! Yikes!) This will be my first YL camp, and I'm going as a leader. Which is pretty exciting. I'm really expectant.

I'll be out for the week, but I hope it is a fantastic, sunny one for all of ya'll! 

Love, C
 Dress: Wal-Mart // Sweater: Thrift store // Head scarf: Bass // Rings: Aeropastle // Heels: DSW
Linking up herehere, and here!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Photographing the Photographer

This is Nathan. 
He's a photographer.
Which means he much prefers being behind the camera, 
not in front.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Style{in} Skirts: Designed Ingeniously

What is it inside of a woman that wants to look pretty?
Is it her desire to impress?
her desire to represent?
her desire to be respected?
I think personally, I just want to be proud of myself.
It's way to easy to look at pictures of myself and want to crawl in a hole.
But what is there to do about it?
I suppose the only thing to do is take a make-shift iPhone photo shoot,
laugh off the goofiness of it,
and say, "Hey!
That's me!
And I'm the only one.
That's pretty cool...right?"
 I may not feel like I'm the type of girl,
or have the type of figure,
who can pose in any fashion with any face
as soon as she gracefully rolls out of bed
 and look absolutely fabulous.
But I'm still pretty darn cool.
(Ok, maybe cool is a bit of a stretch....;)

Ladies, let's be proud of ourselves more often. We're put together like nothing else on earth, and nothing like the girl next door. That's not something to be ashamed of, or embarrassed. That's awesome! We aren't something we're not supposed to be. We're designed ingeniously.

(Holla to mah girl, Allie! She's beautiful, and one of the best friends a gal could ask for;)
 Hairband: thrifted // shirt: Cotton On (clearance!) // Yellow skirt: thrifted // Shoes: Target

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer "do's" and Fighting Summer Blues

These past couple of weeks I've been living with mono.
On top of that, I've had three colds, an infection in my leg, lost my voice completely and had many doctor visits.
But really.
I've slept a lot, and spent a lot of time resting. And anyone who knows me, knows that "resting" isn't really my thing. So this has been a challenge! And my summer is looking quite different.
Instead of getting a second job, I'm taking on less hours than before at my current job.
Instead of going to the beach all of the time, I'm frequenting Netflix more than ever.
Instead of dress shopping, I'm internet shopping.

So the greatest challenge from this is making sure I stay optimistic and that I don't waste this. I literally have the best excuse ever to not work out, not do chores, and not stress out about cramming lots of "go, go, go" into my summer. Optimism isn't always easy when I don't see people much, and I don't leave my house much, but it's been pretty great how many little things I have way too much time for now.

Hence, my Summer To-Do List: Mono Edition
- Read lots of books 
(including finishing the Harry Potter series and some Elizabeth Elliot)

- Finish New Girl and How I Met Your Mother
(which I won't have time for in the Fall)

- Edit loadssss of pics that I haven't gotten to yet

- Write letters to old pen pals

- Knit more; Sell more

- Think and pray about goals for my coming school year 

- Find quick recipes I can try when I have energy

- Start knitting more baby blankets
(you never know when someone's gonna need one;)

- Write some new songs when I get my voice back

- Buy, and take care of, some indoor plants

That's pretty much it. Until I'm back to being Normal Casey, I'm just gonna do my best to enjoy moments with just me and Jesus and my bedroom wall. Because life will pick up again and be busy enough, and then I'll be wishing I had more time to do things like this:)

What's ya'lls summer looking like?