Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: Style{in} Skirts: 5 Minutes?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Style{in} Skirts: 5 Minutes?

(This isn't a post about my awesome(ly horrible) modeling skills...)
(Or the weird way someone cut our grass...)
(Or even my fabulous shoes) (well, actually, that's a lie... we all know I love these shoes).
It was one of those mornings when I didn't know I was leaving until I was supposed to be leaving. So where do you find Casey when she has 5 minutes? Throwing a scarf over her slightly-dirty hair and grabbing a maxi skirt. Maxi skirts are practically the cuter and more socially-acceptable-outside-of-walmart version of sweatpants. Which is a total win on a Sunday morning when you really don't want to get out of bed in the first place, much less put effort into looking decent. And the loose top is one of my faves because it's so darn comfortable and I don't have to pass up that last gf brownie to fit into it.
This little beauty is something my mom bought me over a year ago after a break up (see, good things DO come out of brokenness!;) It literally holds everything. On a good day, I pack a book, a snack, my planner, my bible, my wallet and my sweater for work (along with three hundred caramels, cuz I can't do without them). On top of that, it just adds great color to everything.
Both the tank and the skirt I actually altered a bit. The tank was a camisole that I cut out, and the skirt had a weird ruffly top that just added fluff under my shirts where I didn't need fluff added. I re-sewed a hem of sorts there so it wouldn't stretch, but that's been the only sewing I've ever done as an alteration and it will probably stay that way.
Top: Forever 21 (and forever ago) Tank: Old Navy? Skirt: Target? Shoes: DSW Purse: Target

In the other realms of life that aren't related to what I've been wearing, I've been doing a lot of planning. Someone pointed out to me yesterday that it's "summer break" for us college students... yet you don't see anyone on break! We're running ourselves weary before we'll take time to rest and be refreshed. And resting out of exhaustion isn't really rest. It's rehab.

Part of this lack of summer break we see is a part of growing up, I think. Folks who work 9-5 don't get "summer break." However, I think taking the remainder of this summer to turn down busyness isn't going to hurt me. By the time September rolls around, I'll be thrown back into note-taking, tons of driving, and brain-stretching. My time management will have to be on an all-time high if I'm going to conquer more classes on top of work and ministry. Not to mention everything else that goes on in life.

Time management skills... will I ever gain them...

Hope ya'll are having a great summer, and are getting a little bit of a break!:)

Love, Casey

(Linking up hereherehere, hereherehereherehereherehere & here! #allofthelinkups)


  1. What a pretty skirt! It will transition into fall real nicely. And I think you modeled very nicely! :)

    On another note, you should take a look at the Style Confession Link-up, over on my blog It's a great way to meet and build relationships with other bloggers, as well discovering new blogs. :)


  2. yowza! you look amazing! very snazzy outfit!
