Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: Life as... Me : by LeAnne Flora

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Life as... Me : by LeAnne Flora

I'm LeAnne….best known as 'Aunt LeeZ' to my adoring nieces, nephews, and several of their friends.  i simply adore Casey.  She was the first to make me an aunt. She was my very own walking, talking baby doll. Before I had children of my own, Casey was the only excuse I had to play 'house'. So, needless to say, when she asked me to be write a guest posting while she was away, I said yes.   I mean, I like to write, although I'm not all that good at it.  I can write about my life, although it isn't anything I find to be extraordinary. I felt unprepared, insecure, and inadequate. 
And God said....'PERFECT! Ill take it.'  Um, now what?

So, my frst challenge was to come up with something… no... ANYTHING to write. (enter very……long……………pause………)

I thought I could go back and just start at the beginning….
        It all started on May 27, 19…….. wait….not that far.... Blah blah blah childhood, blah blah siblings, blah blah dating, college, marriage, kids, and, here we are - we have arrived in 2013.
That probably wont make for an interesting blog post.  But it did make my wheels start turning. What do I have to offer someone else.... any random reader on my amazing and talented niece's blog? Well, as a matter of fact, I have something NO ONE else in the world has, and that is ME.  

You see, it's not that no one else in all of creation has my general gifts, talents, or interests. It's just that I am, most certainly, the only ME. Likewise, YOU are the only YOU.  This is freeing when you start to think of yourself against the tapestry of the rest of the world.  Sure, there are lots and lots of people who share your interests, gifts, and talents but truly, God has an amazing purpose for YOU to fill and without you doing it, it won't get done. Don't misunderstand me, I know that God will accomplish His mighty purpose with or without me being a part of it. But, man, what a mistake to take myself out from under that opportunity for a blessing. My Creator took SUCH time and creativity in my design that I am the only one like me and the only one with my intended purpose.  This can be a narrowing and isolating feeling OR it can be freeing, wonderfully freeing, to know I don't have to blend in, feel confined, or stay "in the box" of what the world suggests I need to be. 

 Although I have a heart of obedience, the truth is, it is just hard to obey sometimes.   I mean, sure, it's easy to practice obedience when God calls you to do something that you already really wanted to do anyways.  But, am I the only one who struggles with obeying God when there is a great risk or responsibility? How about when it pushes you outside of your own comfy place? How about in a season of feeling unprepared, insecure, & inadequate....THEN is it much harder or is it only me?  I know it isn't just me.  Ultimately, I have learned that it is within these "walls" that He operates best in our lives. 

 By no means, does The Almighty NEED us to accomplish His work ( we were not around for the Creation but He did a pretty great job wihtout us, right?) But, OH, the blessings of being included in His plan and being used as His holy hands and feet. What an honor indeed!!  it doesn't mean that it's always easy though.  I am still learning as God walks with me, carries me, and sometimes even drags me through this journey called life.  He is working out some of my greatest "security blankets" -  asking for me to lay them down, taking them, gently pulling them, and even sometimes painfully yanking them away from me all the while whispering in my ear to let go and find your security in "ME alone".

 DO not be misled by the enemy- he wants you to fail. Do not conform to the world's standards for they are not of God. Never be afraid to be YOU in God....(Not, the 'you' who is trying to impress someone else by blending in or acting like who they think you are, but the YOU who you are created to be.) You are never too old or too young for God's plans.  Don't miss the opportunity, offered especially to you, by God to "help" in His perfect plan.  Use YOUR God-given talents, character traits, personality, and circumstances to sing YOUR beautiful life song, all the while, making yourself available to be used as the hands and feet of The Almighty.


I am LeAnne, better known as Aunt LeeZ.  I am a full time Jesus follower, wife, stay-at-home-mom, and homeschool teacher to my own 'fantastic four'.  I run two small businesses out of my home and also work alongside my hubby as his photography assistant, bookkeeper, scheduler, and personal chef. : )    I love to dance, craft, "redo" old stuff, and all things creative. I dance in grocery store aisles, sing in the shower (& louder in the car), laugh out loud, and wear my 'heart on my sleeve'. I try to see the positive in everything and be an encouragement to others. 

1 comment :

  1. Oooh such inspiring words! Nice to meet ya LeeZ :P

    I struggle with obedience as well, it's such a battle to lay down our own wordly desires and obey God's commands. I agree that it is totally worth it though.
