Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: Colorado Week 7

Friday, March 29, 2013

Colorado Week 7

This week has been CRAZY. We graduate two weeks from tomorrow (woo!) so everything seems to be a bit crammed. Not only do we have a lot of events to help with / attend, we're also trying to spend a lot of time together. I'm gonna miss all these people so much!

So pictures from this week are kind of random...

We got more snow:

We made loads and loads of No-Bake Cookies:

Walked at sunrise:

 Road in a crammed car to the nearby neighbors' house (it was cold... haha):

More photo shoots:

 I found an icicle...

... and rabbit tracks (at least, that's what I think they are...):

Had a ridiculous hair day...

...and another one:

Tried some new clothes/color combos...

... and new coffee combos:

Drove the manly car (again):

 Wore pink shoes:

And lastly, drove to Boulder with my lovely roommate!

This week has definitely been an adventure...

Soon, I hope to update ya'll on the rich stuff I've been learning here,
instead of just a bunch of random pictures.
I don't like simply posting shallow things.

But have patience.
It's coming.
Because, I'm a writer. 
Who's about to graduate from a inspirational-to-the-max Bible school.

Ya'll will probably hear plenty ;)

Hope ya'lls weekend is off to a fantastic start!

Love, Casey

1 comment :

  1. Aw, Case! These pics are so wonderful!:)
    I'm so happy to see you having fun, learning, and growing in God's love!
    Can't wait to see you real soon, lovely!!!
    Love you!
