Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: Capturing Cattails, Day 29 / "Beginning's End"

Monday, October 29, 2012

Capturing Cattails, Day 29 / "Beginning's End"

Jaws agape, rigged teeth
The colors would mean nothing now
Bright beginnings fin'ly meet
The ending; the conductor's bow

For with each day, with each breath
Another Death has called home-bound
Everything that one has built
Has come to the break, has been unwound

How can one be joyous still,
When such is every being's fate?
How can one be hopeful still?
With all Death has made this dinner date

Be joyous still, frail heart of mine
Take up your hope; be happy yet
For if beginnings had no end
Never would be the glory of a sunset