Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: Chocolate Tea.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chocolate Tea.

I like afternoons like this.
My neighbor is mowing his lawn, chewing through leaves.
A yummy breeze is blowing.
My chocolate tea, growing cold.
My fingers getting frigid from the windows open.
It's an afternoon like this that makes me want to stop.
and contemplate.
and meditate.
and not think.
and enjoy.
and soak in every last bit of information my senses are sensing.

I want to bundle up and read a book.
I want to wear fuzzy socks and drink hot things.
I want to snuggle up and watch an action flick, or a christmas movie.
I want to go on a walk without saying a single word.
I want to sleep on my dock.
I want to sing, really loud, and pure.

This week is one of my favorite weeks of the year. There's coziness everywhere.

Feel deeply this week; soak it all in.
And laugh. Really, really loud.

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