Cattails, Rabbit Trails, and Thistlefish: About The City.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

About The City.

A year ago, I was just getting home from the most amazing 3-day trip I have yet to adventure. Ayley's post about her trip made me want to take a trip down memory lane as well.

So, I thought I'd share some of my favorite captured moments from my trip.

That is, my trip to New York City.
Where I saw Times Square light up, even in the day time.

(And yes, most of my pictures are of buildings and lights and sparkly things. But that's what happens when I don't get to the city much;)

I stood on top of the red steps, and felt like queen of the world. I stood in Times Square in my hot pink prom dress. I walked through Central Park at the peak of the fall season. I saw scenes from my parents' whirlwind romance, even the very place they said the three words. I ate french food.

And I finally got to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.
Oh. My. Gosh. Yes.
I still can't believe it happened.


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! This is *up* there on my bucket list! xD I want to visit NYC sooooo badly. :) Love the cosmopolitan pictures Casey. (haha, did Tim singing remind you any of Phantom on Broadway?;)

    1. Thanks, Sarah!

      Hahah, YES, it DID! He was so like the real deal. ;)
